Generation Watch

Generation Watch
News and Views of America's Living Generations

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Thursday, September 16, 2004

Paranoia strikes deep. After a day of lurking at Free Republic and Democratic Underground, I usually feel like my brain has been pushed through a sieve and then pounded with a sledgehammer. So much hatred and paranoia! A quick Google search led me to an article published in the 1960s, The Paranoid Style in American Politics. It turns out that fearmongering and delusional rantings are a vital part of our heritage! So go ahead and rave about Bushbots and Al-Kerry-ists if you want - you'll be upholding a fine American tradition.

Posted by Steve Barrera at 11:07 AM

Friday, September 10, 2004

You can't make this stuff up... An article I linked to yesterday that was supposed to be a "Bush can't escape his Vietnam era past" exposure has morphed into a "the new media running circles around the old media" story. Now a twentieth century elite news corporation has egg all over its face thanks to the unmistakeable authority of a twenty-first century distributed network of geeky information experts. A good summary of the tawdry affair is at the Belmont Club blog. This is just amazing!

Posted by Steve Barrera at 1:25 PM

Thursday, September 09, 2004

See what I mean? Zev Chafets pipes in at New York Daily News - Kerry's got troubles, he says. But fear not, Democrats - Bush has to answer for his Vietnam era past, as well. I am reminded of the lyrics of a Laurie Anderson song...

Eagle bites the weasel.
Weasel bites back.
They fly up to nowhere.

Posted by Steve Barrera at 1:17 PM

Wednesday, September 08, 2004

The war that wouldn't go away. The Vietnam War and the domestic dissension surrounding it was the defining experience of the coming of age Boomer generation. And it still haunts the Boomers three decades after the end of American involvement. A Washington Post article elaborates.

All Boomer Presidents and presidential aspirants from now until the last of them will be sniped at by their peers - that's just how the Boomers are. But the one sure way to get embroiled in a vicious vendetta - which Senator Kerry might have realized - is to bring up that war.

Posted by Steve Barrera at 6:16 PM

Generational Cycle
The Turnings

Phases of Life
Living Generations

Culture Wars
Red Zone
Blue Zone

Current ages of the living generations
Lost 104+
G.I. 80-104
Silent 62-80
Boomer 44-62
Gen-X 23-44
Millennial ?-23
Homeland ?

Millennial Saeculum
High 1946-1964
Awakening 1964-1984
Unraveling 1984-?
Crisis ?-

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About This Weblog- Generation Watch features commentary by Steve Barrera on America's living generations and their current experience. It has a companion news portal at LifeCourse Associates.

Where noted, background information on generations theory is copyright 1996 Broadway Books. All other content on this web site is copyright 2002-2005 Generation Watch and Steve Barrera. All rights reserved.